'Rage 2's Underground Environment Will Be Similar to 'DOOM'

Rage 2 will be arriving in just a month and a half, and fans are getting ready to return to the wastelands and destroy everything in sight in glorious fashion. That said, the developers have been revealing more and more information as of late, especially during one of the Bethesda panels at PAX East over the weekend, which can be seen above. During said panel, they discussed many things and showed off the underground environments players can expect to find while playing Rage 2. One thing that they noted is that these parts will be similar to DOOM, in that they will feature some close-range corridor shooter feelings.

As can be seen around the 3:55:30 mark in the video above, once Rage 2 players enter the underground portions, certain aspects will play out a bit differently than if you were above ground. You are no longer in the wide open world, but instead in more confined spaces to condense all of that wonderful action. They note how it is sort of like a corridor shooter, not unlike DOOM.

In addition to this, we also get a look at the Overdrive meter. This helps players deal even more damage to enemies, because who doesn't love that? The gameplay shown during the panel then goes into some of the abilities and skills that one can expect to unlock during their playthrough.

Rage 2 is set to arrive on May 14th for PC, PlayStation 4, and Xbox One.

Related Forum: Gaming Discussion

Source: https://comicbook.com/gaming/2019/04/01/rage-2-underground-similar-to-doom/


"'Rage 2's Underground Environment Will Be Similar to 'DOOM'" :: Login/Create an Account :: 5 comments

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Doom is awesome. So this would actually be good!


I remember playing the first rage for xbox 360 and i totally loved it cant wait to see whats rage 2 going to be all about i watched the trailer and it def looks promising


Not gonna be mad if it's similar to doom becuase doom is a great game in general.


Haven't heard of this overdrive meter and it seems pretty badass


Similar to doom would be great.