'Call of Duty: Black Ops 4' Teasers Spotted for Next Operation

Several teasers have been spotted in Call of Duty: Black Ops 4’s Blackout mode which appear to be hinting at the game’s next Operation.

The next Operation is already on players' minds with Operation Absolute Zero releasing before it, and it seems Blackout players are already finding the first signs of it in the game mode’s sole map. Several days ago, a player noticed some surveying stakes had popped up around the map, those objects being short wooden sticks with yellow markers tied around them. Treyarch replied to that thread to say it was “interesting” that the stakes were showing up around the map.

What are these surveying stakes? Found in various locations, never noticed them until about last week. from r/Blackops4

Following that reveal, other players started looking for the rest of the surveying stakes to figure out where they were. From Firing Range to the Fracking Tower and in many other areas around Blackout’s map, there are several stakes which players have been finding and cataloguing here to keep track of them all. There’s also a disc-like object that’s been spotted between the G7 and G8 quadrants of the map. Theories about this object ranged from calling it a bunker door to saying it might be a teleporter pad like the ones seen in Call of Duty’s Zombies modes, but one of the latest suggestions says that it might be a clock instead.

Treyarch appears to be well aware of the community’s speculation regarding its new Operation teasers. If you head to the Treyarch Studios Twitter account, you’ll see that the studio has changed its profile image to be one of the surveying stakes that players are hunting for in Blackout. That object that’s partially buried under the ground is also shown as the cover photo, though the account hasn’t directly tweeted about anything pertaining to these two teasers.

What all Treyarch is planning on including the new Operation remains to be seen, but it’s expected that it’ll bring about new Blackout features like more points of interest similar to the cruise ship added recently to recreate the Hijacked multiplayer map.

Related Forum: Call of Duty Forum

Source: https://comicbook.com/gaming/2019/02/10/call-of-duty-black-ops-4-blackout-teasers-next-operation/


"'Call of Duty: Black Ops 4' Teasers Spotted for Next Operation" :: Login/Create an Account :: 9 comments

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looks good but i just cant find any motivation to play bo4 right now


haven't hit top tier ever yet, maybe this time round lool


The way call of duty have been promoting themseleves this year is weird as hell


I hope this will be another fun thing added on.


hopefully it's dope, haven't had interest in bo4 in awhile though


They released a blueprint via Twitter. They are adding a bunch of new buildings and villages throughout the map. There is a massive X over a section of the desert and a black circle over a section of water above Hijacked.


Damn I already love this game mode this just makes it all more interesting.


The next operation might be interesting, I played BO4 a few times, Blackout is pretty good.


Can't wait to see what this all means