Sony surveying users on possible PSN name change feature

It’s been one of the most popular quality of life requests for years, but Sony finally seem to be formally considering allowing users to change their PSN name.

In an email forwarded to PushSquare, Sony said that they are “exploring the possibility of adding a feature to PSN that lets users change their ID”, noting that although they “can’t be sure whether this feature will be added or not,” players’ feedback “will be heard”.

The survey that they sent out then detailed a hypothetical implementation of the feature, where users would be able to change their name for free as many times as they like, but only once every six months.

In the past, Sony has had reservations about letting users change their online handles, citing griefing as a primary concern.

Back in 2014 Shawn Layden, CEO of Sony Interactive Entertainment America, said:

We don’t want to make it so that you can go in, grief a bunch of people in Far Cry, change your avatar, change your username, go into CoD and grief everybody over there. We want to stop that.

[We want to do name changing] in a way that’s transparent, but also don’t let people morph themselves, either.

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"Sony surveying users on possible PSN name change feature" :: Login/Create an Account :: 17 comments

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Craig If they prompted me with a survey on this crap i'd tell em to stick it.

Adding a survey simply asking a question that's been asked for for years is stupid.


If they prompted me with a survey on this crap i'd tell em to stick it.


Why do they need a survey ffs, I think its pretty obvious that every PS user would not complain about this being added lol. Just make it happen already and stop wasting everybody's time? I can't believe you couldn't do this in the first place to be honest, but hey, this is just another reason i love Xbox more :p


KyloCrux About time they added this. Only been suggested millions of times.

its been suggested so many time but they still have to do a survey to see if people want it.....


I'm a big fan of Sony and I'm happy for Sony that they thinking to add this feature. Doesn't say on why Sony didn't want to add the name change feature for PS4. It's money at the end of the day and it'll pore in once this feature will be added.


About time they added this. Only been suggested millions of times.


just do it already geez. we've been wanting this for years and they know it


Tom why survey, put this feature on the console already. So many people are looking to name change and such but its not even a feature, what....

Exactly.. I dont understand how they dont already know this.. There are zero reasons for a survey... thisnhas bren a problem since ps3...


It's sad that they are sending out surveys now it really is.


Tom why survey, put this feature on the console already. So many people are looking to name change and such but its not even a feature, what....

Exactly its as if after all these years of people wanting it they still dont know....