Original Fallout is free on Steam today

Fallout, the 1997 original (subtitle: A Post Nuclear Role Playing Game) is free on Steam today, in observance of the 20th anniversary of its launch.

Users have until 11:59 p.m. tonight PT (that’s 2:59 a.m. Oct. 1, ET) to add it to their Steam library. It’s for Windows PC only.

I know I’ve got a couple copies of it around here somewhere — it went free on GOG.com at the end of 2013, just before Bethesda took full control of the publishing rights — but hey, free game. And it’s right there in the Steam library. And for those who didn’t start with the series until 2008’s Fallout 3, this is a great time to see where it all began.

Related Forum: PC Gaming Forum

Source: https://www.polygon.com/2017/9/30/16389458/original-fallout-free-steam


"Original Fallout is free on Steam today" :: Login/Create an Account :: 12 comments

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Travis Wish they would eventually make ALL games free.

This would be amazing and tbh I don't see why they don't do it once a game reaches the point of being dead - would definetely boost player counts.


Thats pretty cool, Going to have to try this out.


I lived this game and havent played it in ages! might consider picking it up if its free.


Wish they would eventually make ALL games free.


The best games are the old games. Plus it's free.


A free game is a free game :D


Never played it so might aswel give it a go.


Mise well throw it back a few years and play another free game.


Was also free yesterday, too slow Author, too slow. lmfao


May just have to give this a cheeky download again.