Netflix app reportedly ready for Switch—so what’s the hold up?

Netflix is ready to go and just waiting for the right time to launch on the Nintendo Switch, if the latest rumors are true.

At the moment, the Nintendo Switch is completely devoid of video streaming services in general, at least in North America. The console has no options to open Twitch, YouTube, or even a basic internet browser (though Japanese users are able to access NicoNico). According to one user’s chat with a customer service representative, though, Netflix could be right around the corner.

Supposedly, one Netflix customer service representative promised that Netflix is “locked and loaded” for the Switch, and Netflix is just waiting for Nintendo to give the signal for the app to appear on the eShop. GoNintendo user KamehamehaX submitted screenshots of that conversation to GoNintendo as proof, though these have not been more widely published.

If that customer service representative was right, then the question becomes one of why Nintendo is waiting so long to release video streaming service access. It’s possible, perhaps, that Nintendo hopes to get several streaming services on board at once in order to release several apps in one go, or it could be that Nintendo is waiting to get its own online services and subscription model up and running before releasing others.

Hopefully, we’ll receive an update from Nintendo—and an added bout of streaming content for the Switch—sometime soon.

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"Netflix app reportedly ready for Switch—so what’s the hold up?" :: Login/Create an Account :: 9 comments

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Xbox Now this would be a app I would use, I can see this being big on the switch.

I agree they should have thought about adding it before launch in my opinion tho.

I don't think people will even result to using Netflix on this over other devices though, pretty pointless if you have other devices.


Xbox Now this would be a app I would use, I can see this being big on the switch.

I agree they should have thought about adding it before launch in my opinion tho.


Now this would be a app I would use, I can see this being big on the switch.


Hopefully they do add it, thatll be a cool thing to add


This would be a good app for the switch


Would be quite cool to have on a devide like this.


Multiple devices of mine already have Netflix downloaded, heck my tv also have it. Netflix on the switch is surely going to be used a lot often considering you can take your switch everywhere.


Thought this would have been on there already.. they should hurry and get it on there.


I can imagine Netflix will be very popular on the Switch since people would be able to use it when they are out and about in public.