EA: Active military from Afghanistan is proud to play Medal of Honor

EA's boss has claimed that active military has been 'deeply involved' with Medal of Honor and feel it is a game that anyone would be proud to play. This statement comes following months of controversy regarding the use of the Taliban within the game.

Here's what EA had to say, "We've had deep involvement with the military from the beginning, including active military from Afghanistan. They and we feel it's a game that any player would be proud to play."




"EA: Active military from Afghanistan is proud to play Medal of Honor" :: Login/Create an Account :: 5 comments

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I feel when they say "The military is actively involved in this." They mean they were actively designing the game with them. I would have PTSD while playing a game like this and I just got back from Iraq. I played it and it's pretty realistic. Good article.


this game looked pretty good....until the beta


MARINES good to hear that they aren't againest it so the game will be made
btw is that a fnf2000 in the picture?


Sweet i am glad to hear the bs is behind them....Come on Moh :)


good to hear that they aren't againest it so the game will be made
btw is that a fnf2000 in the picture?