Skate 3 Now Available on Xbox One backwards compatibility

In an update, Microsoft released a new trailer celebrating the one-year anniversary of backwards compatibility being brought to Xbox One, with the video highlighting many of the titles that have arrived on the system including the Halo series, Gears of War, Red Dead Redemption, and many others: in total, over 250 games (and counting) are available through backwards compatibility to date.

Along with the trailer, Microsoft has also announced that Skate 3, one of the most-requested titles from fans for backwards compatibility support, has now been added today for those that have either a physical or digital copy of the game on Xbox 360.
Original Story:
Skate 3, EA’s last game in the series, seems like it’s about to hit Xbox One backwards compatibility. The game appeared on the Xbox 360 dashboard with a line that says, “Now on Back Compat: Play Skate 3.”

As you can see in the off-screen picture above from Reddit user SanitaryGecko, the banner placement is very visible, and even though EA and Microsoft have yet to announce anything regarding this, we at least know it’s close.

More than likely, Major Nelson will make the announcement later today and it will be available for all. The game is even on sale now for just $10, which usually happens just before a game is about to hit backwards compatibility.

Demand for a Skate sequel has been very high recently. At one point, EA’s instagram account was full of #Skate4 comments, and this re-release will definitely come as good news to those looking to play a Skate game.

Update Trailer:

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"Skate 3 Now Available on Xbox One backwards compatibility" :: Login/Create an Account :: 35 comments

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Lapua No freaking way! i wish! Let's hope it doe, this was my game back in the day!

LOL did you even read the article you herb


Honest to god been waiting so long.


prodigy About damn time will be re-buying this game for all the good ol memories.

Yeah same here. Use to love skate games but don't own a retail 360 only xb1


About damn time will be re-buying this game for all the good ol memories.


No freaking way! i wish! Let's hope it doe, this was my game back in the day!