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Nintendo Wii & Wii U Sub Categories

Nintendo Wii & U Emulators (12)

Find all the latest Nintendo Wii and Wii U emulators in this section.

Nintendo Wii & U Homebrew (2,213)

Find all the latest Nintendo Wii & U Homebrew in this section and other Nintendo Wii / Wii U content.

Nintendo Wii & U Loaders & Boot (21)

Find all the latest Nintendo Wii & U Boot loaders in this section and other Nintendo Wii / Wii U content.

Nintendo Wii & U Modchips (13)

Find all the latest Nintendo Wii and Wii U modchip related files and resources in this section.

Nintendo Wii & U Other Files (178)

Other Nintendo Wii and Wii U related files can be found in this section.

Nintendo Wii & U Tools & Utilities (263)

Nintendo Wii and Wii U related tools & utilities can be found in this section.

Nintendo Wii Game Saves (1,816)

This section provides you with latest Nintendo Wii Game Saves

Nintendo Wii U Homebrew (45)

This section provides you with latest Nintendo Wii U Homebrew, Gamesaves and Tools.

Super Smash Bros Skins (4,616)

Skins for Super Smash Bros on the Wii U can be found in this section.


Nintendo Wii & Wii U

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