New Unannounced Titanfall Game Modes Discovered In Latest Update

Following the launch of Titanfall’s most recent game update, it appears that users have been able to dig into additional text and script that possibly reveals new game modes coming to Titanfall’s Featured Game Mode playlist.

RazorUK, who you may remember as the source of a number of Titanfall leaks pre-launch, has discovered the following game modes and their descriptions, where applicable, within code from the game’s June update:

Wingman Last Titan Standing - Last team with Titans standing wins
Marked for Death - Kill the marked pilot
Titan Tag - No description
Capture the Titan - Capture the Titan and bring it to your base
Bodyguard (TITAN_ESCORT) - No description
Big Brother - Attack and defend the control panel
Marked for Death is now live in the current rotation, while developer Respawn Entertainment has confirmed that Wingman Last Titan Standing would up next. Beyond those two, no additional game modes have been announced or confirmed by the studio, so take the additional information with a grain of salt. That said, it’s not surprising that Respawn might be experimenting with brand new game modes over the coming weeks and months.

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"New Unannounced Titanfall Game Modes Discovered In Latest Update" :: Login/Create an Account :: 35 comments

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Gossip Stop with the game modes! Start adding things that matter like new weapons.

there is a thing called balance in this game.


Stop with the game modes! Start adding things that matter like new weapons.


ECW These sound cool and all but we need more guns in the game there isn't many to use there really is no variety of guns.

I do agree. I feel this game is lacking only in weaponry, they need more weapons!


Well better when there's new things coming to an awesome game! Really looking forward to it!


These sound cool and all but we need more guns in the game there isn't many to use there really is no variety of guns.