Halo 5 may miss release in 2014

Halo 5 will not release in 2014 if Steve Downes, voice actor behind Master Chief, is to be believed but he does expected Halo 2 Anniversary to make it out during 2014.

"I think you may be ahead of yourself on Halo 5. I wouldn't expect anything until 2015. What you can look forward to this year is an anniversary edition of Halo 2."Steve Downes

In January there were reports that Halo 5 was still on track for a 2014 release window and at the time a Senior PR manager at Microsoft said the following, ""rest assured your next Halo journey WILL begin in 2014." It now seems he was hinting at Halo 2 Anniversary Edition. While Halo 2 Anniversary hasn't been formally announced it has been hinted at time and time again by various sources that it is in the pipeline for release sometime in the near future.

What are you more excited for, Halo 5 or Halo 2 Anniversary Edition?

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They need to take all the time they need so it doesn't turn out like Reach or 4.


This is unfortunate on Halo's part, but I'm sure everyone will still buy it.


Dang, was looking forward to Halo 5 a lot. I've never played Halo 2 so might have to give it a try.


I know it is a longshot, but I really, really hope that it has Halo 2 multiplayer. I don't want it to just have the old maps with the gameplay of Halo 4. Not sure how they could carry it over without the superjumps and other glitches though. It would be so good if they could.


I'll still play it nonetheless, so take your time MS.


Saop YAY! I hate halo anyway so not really bothered! :D

Then your comment is pointless. Sigh.

I'm looking forward to the new Halo's. Especially #5. I'd like to see what it can offer.


Well as long as Halo 2 comes out, I dont mind, I'd rather they take more time on a game than release it earlier and there be bugs etc


you can use this time to put a GOOD ranking system and a good balance and make a huge gap between the good players and the bad ones like in halo 3 and 2 BRING competitive to the scene once more also No more flinch we want Descope


Halo 5 delayed? What a surprise. Was kind of expecting that tbph. I suppose it is better that they are spending more time on the game.


They really need to take their time on this game considering how big it is.... I think we can all agree halo is way better than cod due to they actually take time into making halo.