PS3 update 4.0: Considering firmware features

There was a recent PlayStation 3 firmware update, but Sony did not advertise it, as it was only a minor one. However, we are now considering what PS3 update 4.0 firmware features will be coming? It’s no secret that there’s a lot more to come, but will it come to the next major release?
It’s hard to know what Sony will offer us, but you can be sure that it will not be what we all want, but an update is an update right? Some features are more wanted than others, such as USB hard drives coming with NTFS support or even a YouTube app.
Most PS3 users would still love to have cross game chat, but with the way that the system works, this is something that will never happen. The reason for this is due to memory restrictions, one wonders if the PS4 will offer cross game chat? Another feature that we would like to see is full backwards capability, there has been signs of this, but not as we had hoped.
However, the one feature that is wanted the most is a better browser, as it’s no secret that the one used on the PlayStation 3 is shocking. So what ideas do you have for PS3 update 4.0?




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